2024 Orca Recovery Day

Saturday, October 19th, 10:00 – 2:00 pm
Squaxin Park

Join Thurston Conservation District and City of Olympia at Squaxin Park (Formerly Priest Point Park) for our annual Orca Recovery Day! Volunteers are invited to be a part of the solution for our endangered Southern Resident orca whales. During this restoration event, we will work together to restore forested habitats to their intended state by planting Pacific Northwest trees and shrubs. The day will also include a guided shore walk, refreshments, and a chance to learn about other organizations helping to better our orcas!
Being a part of Orca Recovery Day is an opportunity for you to make a difference for our endangered Southern Resident orca whales!

Register here.

What is Orca Recovery Day?

Orca Recovery Day is an opportunity for you to work with your local Conservation District and other partner organizations to make a difference for our endangered Southern Resident orca whales. One of the biggest threats to our orcas is that their primary food source, salmon, are also endangered. 80% of the Southern Resident orca diet is salmon. Due to habitat loss, climate change, and increased pollution, local salmon populations are a fraction of what they used to be.

There is strength in numbers. With all of us working together, there’s still time to save our orcas and the vital salmon that feed them. You can be a part of the solution by restoring critical habitat, planting native shrubs and trees, collecting trash along roads and beaches, or anything that makes the environment better than how you found it. You can also bring awareness to by using the hashtag #OrcaRecoveryDay on social media.

To learn more about Orca Recovery Day in our region and to find an Orca Recovery Day event near you visit www.betterground.org.

Check out Thurston CD’s podcast Conservation Starters.  The episode below takes a deep dive into Southern Resident orca recovery in Washington state.


Harvest Festival is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at www.climate.wa.gov.

Interested in learning more about TCD’s Orca Recovery Day?

Jae Townsend
Education & Outreach Assistant

You can also use our contact form.